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Automatic Fire Alarm and Linkage Control System Fire LoT Remote Monito ring System Home Wireless Security Monitoring System Gas Fire Extinguishing Device Electrical Fire Monitoring System Fire Door Monitoring System Flammable Gas Detection and Alarm System Gas Fire Control System Fire Equipment Power Monito ring System Fire Emergency and Evacuation System Explosion-Proof and Other Equipment
J-SAP-EI6025Ex Manual call point
Product Overview:

Intrinsically safe type, non-addressable, multiple parallel connection S2004 Zener barrier and J-EI6032/EI6034 type relay module are connected to EI series fire alarm controller and fire alarm controller (linkage type).

? Explosion-proof mark: ExibIICT6 Gb

? Original rotating structure for easy installation.

? Reset with a dedicated key.

? Provide a set of passive normally open points.

? Ambient temperature: -10C+55C

? Operating voltage: powered by the safety barrier

? standby current: <0.2mA

? Fire alarm light: red

? Wire system: two-wire system, no polarity

? Explosion-proof mark: ExibIICT6 Gb

? Associated equipment: S2004 Zener barrier

? Ambient humidity: <95% RH (non-condensing)

? Internal button contact capacity: DC24V/0.1A

? Alarm current: <0.8mA

? Inspection light: green (cycle flashing)

? Shell protection rating: IP30

? Intrinsically safe explosion-proof parameters: Ui: 28VDC Ii: 93mA

Pi: 0.65W Ci: 0.02F Li: 0 mH

? Executive Standard: GB19880-2005 Manual call point , GB 3836.1-2010Explosive Environment Part 1: General Requirements for Equipment, GB 3836.4-2010 Explosive Environment Part 4: Protected by Intrinsic Safety "i" device

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